Monday, June 16, 2014

And finally I return! Warned you the updates might be far and few in between ;P The other night I concocted something that really made my taste buds really happy and was really fast and easy to make so I thought it seemed share worthy. I really don't know what to call it so here goes...

                                No Words Panini 

1 egg
1 TBSP coconut flour
1 TBSP Parmesan cheese (optional)
2 TBSP cream
pinch of salt 
a sprinkle of Italian seasoning 

      Stir together above ingredients until there are no more lumps. Let sit on the counter for a few minutes (the batter will get fluffier) while you melt a generous amount of butter in a pan and in another pan start sauteing a huge handful of spinach and chopped up sun dried tomatoes. Pour two sandwich sized pancakes into your pan as if you were making pancakes basically and fry just under medium heat till side 1 one is nice and toasty brown, flip and put a nice layer of mozzarella cheese on one of your cakes and top with your sauteed spinach and sun dried tomatoes. When sides 2 are done create your sandwich and you are all set! Sounds simple but trust me it's delightful!!
       you could make many variations of this. Chicken breasts would be ideal on this combo but I didn't have any thawed out. Sausage and eggs would probably go well with this too! You could even make dessert variations by frying them in coconut oil instead of the butter and fill with cream cheese and blueberries or apples sauteed in cinnamon, butter and sweetener!